Fueling the Future, Powering Progress



AIAwsam Oil and Gas is a private sector natural oil and gas company in the Middle East, head quartered in Iraq and the United Arab Emirates.


In Iraq, AlAwsam Oil and Gas is engaged in upstream,
midstream, and downstream activities, including:

Exploration, production, and processing of natural resources.

Gas transmission.

Sale of petroleum products.

United Arab Emirates

In the UAE, AlAwsam acts as a logistics hub for safe and secure transportation of high-quality oil and gas across the Middle East. Operations include:

Logistics management.

Warehouse distribution
and storage.

Trade of petroleum

Key Operations

At AlAwsam Oil and Gas, we aim to perform responsibly whilst contributing to a more sustainable and cleaner future within the Middle East, driving growth and economic development, making a positive impact to both regional and global communities.Here’s a closer look at our key operations:

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